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Derrick Henry snubbed from top RB rating on Madden NFL 22
This is just the second Madden cover to ever feature two athletes. Madden 10's first cover was a tribute to Madden 22 coins Troy Polamalu (both stars from the previous Super Bowl) and Larry Fitzgerald (both Madden 10's second cover). In this case, we have two stars from the previous Super Bowl, but we also see duplicated cover players this is the first time in Madden history that we've seen it. Madden 18 was the first Madden 18 cover, and Madden 20 also saw Patrick Mahomes cover the Madden 18.

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Hi, is this EA Sports? We'd like to have an exchange. We'd love to have a chat and talk with Derrick Henry, who was rated 96 by Madden NFL 22. On behalf of every Tennessee Titans fan, we have a bone for you. Christian McCaffrey, a rival running back for the Panthers and a most coveted running back accolades. He is rated rating of 97 which is absurd given his injury-plagued 2020 season. CMC played in only three games last year, even though he racked up 225 rushing yards and scored five touchdowns total, it was only three games. Talk about a small sample size.

Henry played in 16 out of 16 games. He also was the league's top rushing attempt (378), yards per rushing (2,027) and touchdowns (17) in addition to as touches (397) and yards from scrimmage (2,141). No running back in the league has dominated like Henry over the last two seasons, CMC included.

Even in his greatest years, McCaffrey had fewer total yards, fewer yards for each move, and scored fewer touchdowns than Derrick Henry did in 2020. Henry is also the one with the best chances of buy Madden nfl 22 coins winning next year's the rushing championship.

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Derrick Henry snubbed from top RB rating on Madden NFL 22 - wfuuopy - 00-6-17، 11:45 صبح

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